Please call our service team on 01455 552800
This one-day emergency first aid training course will help employers meet regulatory requirements if their risk assessment indicates that first aid training covering emergency protocols only is sufficient for their workplace.
The EFAW training course enables a first aider to give emergency first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill while at work. Candidates will develop the skills and confidence to help someone who is:
• bleeding heavily
• choking
• unresponsive and not breathing, including how to use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
• unresponsive and breathing
• having a seizure
• suffering from shock
• suffering from burns and scalds.
This first aid course also includes information on:
• monitoring a casualty
• the control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH).
• where to get help
• electrical incidents
• assessing a casualty
• accident recording and reporting
The Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) course is suitable for people aged 16+ who might need to provide first aid to someone who is injured or becomes ill. The candidate will learn skills such as CPR, basic wound care, and the Heimlich manoeuvre.
The training course is ideal for organisations whose first aid needs assessment has identified a requirement for someone to hold a current emergency first aid at work qualification.
The emergency first aid at work training course gives candidates the skills and confidence to respond to a range of emergencies they could encounter at work. They will be able to assess situations, take appropriate action, maintain worker safety standards while administering first aid or emergency care until help arrives.
If a needs assessment identifies a requirement for additional first aid training (e.g. due to having employees with a medical condition), the three-day first aid at work course teaches the skills for a first aider to recognise and treat a wider range of injuries and medical conditions is recommended.
The one-day course runs from 9am until 5pm each day, with a lunch break between the morning and afternoon sessions.
The emergency first aid at work course offers a practical, hands-on approach that delivers the skills and confidence to use first aid skills in a real-life situation and is delivered in a classroom setting.
Each candidate is assessed throughout the course using a range of practical demonstrations, question and answer sessions, quizzes, and engaging activities, such as roleplay, designed to coach and support them.
To ensure candidates get the most effective learning experience they must be physically able to participate, and the group size is limited to 12 people.
Each candidate receives a training pack including a host of resources to help them practice the skills covered. The pack includes a course companion workbook, bandages and more.
This training course meets and exceeds the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) criteria for what is expected of training providers.
The HSE requires six contact hours for the EFAW course. Assessment is done by continuous observation and questioning during the course.
On successful completion of training, candidates will have met the criteria to be considered a qualified first aider and receive an emergency first aid at work certificate which is valid for three years and is accredited by the British Red Cross. This EFAW course meets the requirements specified by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
Following the expiry of the Emergency First Aid at Work certificate after three years, first aiders will need to take the EFAW training course again if the qualification is required. This is so individuals responsible for first aid are aware of new techniques and advancements to enable the provision of more effective treatment.
We also offer the following first aid training courses:
Additionally, we offer a range of Mental Health & Well Being courses:
• Mental Health & Well Being: Supporting others & yourself
• Mental Health & Well Being: Coping with Stress
• Mental Health & Well Being: Building personal & team resilience
• Mental Health & Well Being: Dealing with distressed callers
• Mental Health & Well Being: Leading a resilient team
• Mental Health & Well Being: Supporting people through difficult situations
To book, contact our team directly by calling 01455 552800 or by e-mailing